Omni-channel queue lines management. Improve the purchase experience


Interaction with digital signage

Integrated APPs

Queue lines management

Analysis and Preview. Help in planning

Queue lines management

aTurnos offers a complete solution to connect clients with the employees simple and directly. Clients requests appointments to stores from different media, store's kiosk, a web page or from an app. The availability for the appointments depends directly on the staff available in each moment of the working hours and the capacity of the same employees to attend each queue. All of this is defined and controlled by the store’s responsibles and company's Headquarters.

Timelines or big screens shows informations about the next appointments and open queues to clients. The information and look&feel is customizable according to the queue you would like to show and where the client wants to go. Moreover, these timelines can be located vertically or horizontally according to store’s necessities.

Pantallas Gestión Colas aTurnos

These screens don't require extra teams for its functioning, the screen is connected directly to aTurnos service to show information. You can access directly to the server’s URL with the user defined in the backoffice by the store’s administrator. You can configure the automatic access and the automatic turn off of the teams according to the store’s opening hours for saving energy.

Digital signage

Interaction with digital signage allows the employee accessing to the store services while their focus is maintained on the purchase.. An appropriate order of the access points to the information allows launching actions such as:

  • Let an assistant know about the help needs somewhere during the purchase.
  • Give feedback about the attention or if the purchase process is being satisfactory
  • Be identified for a previous appointment and register your entrance in the appointment process.
  • Check the availability of products in the store or identify where you can find inside the store the selected product.


The increase of the smartphones usage in the purchases is clear, and so is their importance in the purchase decision processes. Moreover, this information is direct between the company and the client, which allows obtaining ratios and information to check processes and the Customer Journey.. Develop Apps integrated with the services that offer the same store, allow the client, inside or outside the establishment, participate in the purchase process in any other moment.

Improve the waiting times in key points such as boxes or post-sales service.. Implement a multichannel queue managements supported in apps and digital signage to notify clients about its status and have them more time focused on the purchase.. Improve your image to the client from two points: technological innovation and processes transparency.

Analysis and planning

One of the greatest values of digitalization of processes in retail is the quantity of information generated.. All data collected in the store likewise from the digital signage, apps,web, or same administrators storaged for its later. . Analyze better what happens in every store and make decisions in that three positions:

  1. Historical data, to understand better what happens in store likewise clients and employees. Detect the events that improve the \ “Customer Journey".
  2. Generate alarms in real time about different key indicators that are important for your core as for example in the waiting time of each queue or the number of help requests to assistant.
  3. Estimate the future staff necessities or which ratios are the objectives to plan better but maintaining costs and the available staff.