What is aTurnos Wall App?



aTurnos Wall App is an application that can be opened on a tablet where employees by tapping their ID user, check-in/out.

Each employee has a numeric ID user in aTurnos, this can be seen inside each aTurnos’ users profile. To check-in/out through Wall App the employee must introduce that digit inside the app and that way their entrances and exists will be registered. The ID reading process can be also performed by QR code, that QR codes are generated in aTurnos with administration tools.

The application must be left open in the tablet and employees can only see a numeric keyboard where they must insert their ID. It can be a perfect substitute of biometric devices by being a faster and more economical alternative. It is an ideal solution for those small companies or for centers with a small number of employees and that don’t want to do big investments.

icono-aturnos aTurnos Wall App access

To use that app you must access from your tablet to this link: aTurnos WallApp

icono-aturnos FREE use

  • The use of this app is free de to purchasing our Presence feature you must choose the technology to check-in/out that adapts the best to your necessities.

icono-aturnos Direct integration with aTurnos

  • Wall App takes part in aTurnos thereby it is integrated directly with the tool and its use the administrator receives automatically check-ins/out to know the excess/defect and generate absences,overtime hours, etc. Our Presence feature allows you to know in real time your personal situation.

  • From aTurnos create a schedule in night shifts, plan team hours and define tolerances which you can establish time margins to generate absences, complementary/overtime hours through your employee's check-ins/outs.

  • With the check-ins/outs registered in the Wall App you can validate in aTurnos the deviations produced to complete check-ins/outs , in case any employee forgot to do so. Adjust excess and defects to real planning to create absences, complementary and overtime hours.

  • From aTurnos you can generate reports have a better control of your team and comply with the Daily working hours register of the 1.h) of the R.D. Law 16/2013 required by the Labor inspection.

  • Export the control data to your payroll tool through a CSV file or with our API once the payroll concepts have been generated automatically in aTurnos.

icono-aturnos aTurnos Wall App configuration